Important Update-Frank and Gail

Important Update-Frank and Gail

We have lived in the Yuba/Sutter community for what seems like a lifetime. We have raised kids, grandkids here, work and run businesses. You all mean so much to us we’ve enjoyed all of the special moments and memories we’ve shared. God has blessed us with a new adventure due to Frank’s health, that adventure is starting sooner than later. We are moving to Texas to begin Frank’s treatment as soon as possible and to join our daughter Jennifer and her family. Saturday will be my last estate sale here, so please stop by and say hi. The sale is Saturday from 8 to 2 at 9964 Loma Rica Road

      Stay tuned for exciting news about the business. Frank’s bible verse today was John 14:27, we know you’ll enjoy this verse. Have a blessed day and we love you!

About hiddencreations

We are a family owned business located in Northern California. We specialize in selling on items on line, teaching classes on how to sell on eBay and estate sale services.